We are all Partners

Our Partnerships are owned, led and managed by our Partners

All our Partners are part of our Global Joint Venture Partnership Portfolios and are at the centre of our real estate business, which is the reason we keep our Partnerships strategically aligned with mutual objectives and benefits. We have a long history of working with various partners. They all share in our mission of designing and building communities that are fair, vibrant, and last for generations. We enable our partners to focus on their core strengths, while we help them with their specific needs. It’s a win-win relationship for all parties involved. Hence, as our Future Partner, we encourage you to delve a little deeper into our portfolios, partnerships and far-reaching expertise here at Properties JOINTLY Group.

Partner with us!
Internal Partners

Our Internal Partners

What makes you special is that you want to do something special in life. You’re our partner and a member of our organisation we can trust to help us build our Global Real Estate Portfolios. Offering Real Estate Project Opportunities around the world, we seek to expand through strategic Partnerships.

Our Team is our Internal Partners and our People are the best asset. We are a management organisation of licensed real estate professionals, lawyers and industry experts. There are many good reasons to join our team: a dynamic and forward-thinking partnership group, an ambitious international portfolio, and regular career progression. Partnership opportunities bring together the right team of experts to make the right decisions. We’re always looking for new partners to help us expand our portfolio and are always keen to hear from any calibre of the expert community.

External Partners

Our External Partners

Our Professional Contractors, Landowners, Market Trend Setters and Stakeholders are our External Partners aligned to mutual goals. We thrive on collaboration. Whether it be for a small project or a large-scale partnership, we have the experience to get it done. Our partners can take advantage of our professional contacts, unique expertise, and years of experience in the network real estate industry.

In most cases, our External Partners as Independent Contractors win simply because they are part of our international network. They connect us with Global Partners to create strong associations that have a long lasting impact. By focusing on our core values, we arrive at focused goals that result in mutual success for all involved. We’re building a Real Estate Partnership Group here. The world is our home.

Currently, we are looking for the following internationally based external partners 

Business Relationship Partner

Working as an independent contractor, you, as our internationally based Business Relationship (also known as Introduction or Finding) Partners are referees, introducers, finders, placement agents, brokers (including broker-dealers*), private consultants, financial advisors, qualified professionals, digital and marketing experts, real estate and investment analysts, industry association and customer service representatives, investor relation and business relationship managers, virtual and executive assistants, sales funnel and business development coordinators, lead generators, social media and event promoters, brand specialists and corporate liaison ambassadors who are independent persons or employees of various world-wide organisations, and simply whoever is willing to work with us remotely and introduce their employers, clients, circle network as well as other individuals or corporate investors as Capital Partners to our Group referred for an introduction fee – we offer both a monetary and equity compensation.

* Only licensed Broker-Dealers are allowed to be our Business Relationship Partners for US persons in the United States, and they must be licensed by FINRA accordingly

Event Marketing Partner

Both Business Relationship and Event Marketing Roles can work in parallel and combine with each other at the same time since our External Partners most likely would interact with their own international business circle and stakeholders. The additional facet is that our Event Marketing Partner is involved with Potential Participant Referral or Introduction for our Global Events and Partnership Meetings. In essence, if you refer and bring any 10 potential participants either from your existing employer or outside companies or any persons, you as an individual will be granted free access with accommodation included to such a particular upcoming event or a meeting world-wide if those 10 people enrol successfully. Refer and bring as many people or companies to our global events and partnership meetings as you like in order to participate free of charge. For example, refer 20 people or more for a particular event or a meeting and you can include an additional person for free from your circle for any additional 10 participants to such event or meeting. Repeat and enjoy your free participation process every time for a new global event or a meeting and travel with us to a new country. Check out our current events and meeting programs around the world.

Capital Partners

Our Capital Partners

Our Eligible Investors, Stakeholders and Shareholders are our Joint Venture Capital Partners, comprised of Entrepreneurs, Strategic Investment and Business Companies, Endowments, Foundations and Charities, Family Offices and Trusts, State Pension Plans, Sovereign Entities, Industry Alliances and Holdings, Banks and Financial Institutions, Insurance Groups, State and Government Organisations, Capital and Wealth Management Firms, Private Equity and Mutual Funds, High Net Worth Individuals, Sophisticated and Qualified Investors – we all share business and social values together. Our global real estate partnerships have grown with us as we have grown. We provide our international joint venture capital partners with a range of opportunities for diversification, economic growth and increasing returns.
