Video: Savor Mexico’s Real Estate and Global Partnership Fiesta!

19:34 28 July in Event Trailers

FULL SCRIPT OF THE VIDEO  –  Also, click here to see all event list and content

Savor Mexico’s Real Estate and Global Partnership Fiesta!

Bienvenidos! Prepare to embark on a remarkable journey of discovery, collaboration, and boundless opportunities at our upcoming Global Real Estate and Beyond Partnership Event in the captivating land of Mexico. As part of our esteemed series of Global Partnership Events and Meetings held around the world, this event promises an immersive experience where travel, culture, market insights, and real estate partnerships converge.

Mexico, the 15th largest economy globally, boasts a diversified landscape that includes hi-tech industries, oil production, mineral exploitation, and manufacturing. As a commodities and manufacturing giant, Mexico holds the world’s largest proven silver reserves and the tenth largest oil reserves. Mexico stands tall as one of the United States’ most significant trade partners, with a positive trade balance.

Foreigners are welcomed with open arms to own property in Mexico, even along the coast and near the border, without the need for a resident permit. Witness the thriving residential real estate market, where property prices have soared, especially near the mesmerizing coastline.

Explore the nuances of real estate ownership and investment in Mexico, where the state holds all land and water within the national territory but grants ownership rights to individuals, including foreigners. Discover the opportunities and considerations within the “restricted zone,” where foreign investors can utilize special bank trusts for residential properties, while Mexican companies with 100% foreign capital can own real estate directly for non-residential purposes.

Uncover the most common ways of owning and investing in real estate through direct deeds, Mexican corporations, and real estate trusts, each offering distinct benefits and complexities. Delight in the rich array of legal ownership types and leasehold interests, each granting unique rights to owners and lessees alike.

Discover the vast array of real estate financing options available to lenders, ranging from traditional sources like commercial banks to alternative avenues such as private equity, hedge funds, and venture capital. Embrace the transformative power of financial technological institutions that extend collective financing opportunities.

Our global coverage is nothing short of exceptional, featuring presentations by experts with worldwide portfolios, including the coveted US Green Card Immigration Option Portfolios. Immerse yourself in diversified real estate asset classes and explore investment opportunities that span the globe. Whether you seek funds or holdings, our event unveils the latest strategies, business plans, benefits, and risk management techniques.

Our Properties JOINTLY event is an extraordinary turning point for current and prospective partners. Expand your horizons beyond real estate and unlock an array of market opportunities worldwide. Prepare to experience a fiesta of possibilities, where visionary real estate leaders and global partners converge to forge meaningful connections and unlock incredible opportunities. Engage in insightful discussions, indulge in mouthwatering cuisine, and savor refreshing drinks amidst a backdrop of well-being facilities and entertainment.

Join us in Mexico, where the spirit of collaboration and growth intertwine. Register today to savor the beauty of Mexico’s real estate and experience the thrill of global partnerships. To learn more about our Properties JOINTLY event format, invited attendees, booking, “Early Bird” fees, benefits and free participation, sponsorship options, and the potential for informal networking leading to lasting connections watch our specially dedicated video “How To Travel And Explore Global Partnerships From Country To Country” on our Properties Jointly You-Tube channel. Viva Mexico! Discover the vibrant world of opportunities that await you at our Global Real Estate and Beyond Partnership Event in Mexico.


This presentation has been prepared by Properties Jointly group of companies (PJ) for educational purposes only. By no means is any statement, disclosure, disclaimer, another information, or material contained herein a financial promotion nor an invitation, offer, recommendation or solicitation nor an inducement to buy or sell any securities or interests in PJ’s respective products. It should not be relied upon to make any investment decisions and does not have a purpose or intent to persuade or incite anyone to engage in investment activity under any applicable law. Reliance on this information for the purpose of becoming involved in any investment activity may expose a person to a significant risk of losing all of the funds or other assets invested.
